About Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar
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About Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar
Home > Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar

- Consultant General Laparoscopic, Bariatric & Metabolic Surgeon
- Registration No: 70126. (Medical Council of India)
- Designation
-Director, JT Obesity Solutions
-Director, JT Foundation

- Qualifications
- Organisational Activities:
- Approved Guide For
- Academic Organisational Position Held So Far
⚫ MBBS – Pune University (1992)
⚫ MS – General Surgeon Pune University (1995)
⚫ Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery University of Strasbourg, IRCAD, France (2003)
⚫ Fellowship in Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA.
⚫ Fellowship Gastro Obeso Centre (Brazil) FIAGES, FALS.
⚫ Fellow Dr. Scopinaro, University of Genoa, Italy.
1.Director Jt Foundations.
2.Director Jt Obesity Solutions.
3. Director Indian Institute of Metabolic Sciences (IIMS).
4.Past Director Medical Services Rotary Club Koregaon Park, Pune.
5.Founder Convener Fight Obesity Campaign Rotary Club Koregaon Park, Pune.
1.DNB General Surgery students.
2.Diploma in laparoscopic surgery under MUHS.
3.Diploma in Bariatric Surgery.
4.Fellowship in Obesity, Nutrition and Metabolism.
1.Research Committee member of American Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (ASMBS).
2.Communication committee member International Federation Surgery For Obesity (IFSO).
3.Secretary of Obesity surgery society of India.
4.Governing Council Association of Surgeons of India.
5.Governing Council (IAGES)India.
6.Vice President West Zone IAGES 2017 till 2019
7.Vice President Maharashtra Chapter(AIAARO)
8.Organisation Secretary IFSO-APC-2017 at Goa India
9.Founder Member Womens Association of Surgeos of India(WASI)
10.Executive council (Pune surgical society)
11.Director State Obesity & NCD Task force, Maharashtra.
11.Chairperson for the fight obesity committee under IMA (Indian Medical Association)
- Pioneer in
- International Presence
- Address for Correspondence
- Awards & Recognition
- Key Awards
- Our Work Till Date
1.Creation of the First in India State Obesity and NCD Task force in Maharashtra (2017).
2.Fight childhood obesity campaign in 2017.
3.WASI (Women Association of Surgeons India) in 2015.
4.Designing and creation of fellowship in Obesity, nutrition and metabolism under the Maharashtra University of health Sciences in medical syllabus (2017).
5.Authored first book on scientific knowledge about the disease obesity in “Obesity Mantra” for the lay man in 2018.
6.Pioneer in starting Obesity OPD’s in the government hospitals in Maharashtra (2017).
7.Introduced calorie on the menu card campaign for the first time in 2017.
1.Invited at multiple national and international platforms to contribute the knowledge and skills in the field of general, laparoscopic & bariatric surgery and bariatric & metabolic sciences.
2.Multiple publications and presentations internationally
3.First Indian to receive the IFSO scholarship for the young researcher.
4.Best International poster award from ASMBS for gut microbiota.
5.Reviewer for the index scientific journals of IFSO i.e. Journal for Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
6.Reviewer SOARD Index journal of ASMBS about the “surgery for obesity and related diseases ”.
1.Clinic Address: JT Obesity Solutions – Dr Todkar Hospital, Pune.
2.JT Obesity Solutions, 8th Floor, Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, Pawai, Mumbai.
3.IIMS & Dr Todkar Multispeciality Hospital Pan Card Club Road Baner, Pune (Opening Soon).
Email: jayatodkar@gmail.com, jtobesitysolutions@gmail.com
Website: www.jtobesitysolutions.com, www.drjayashreetodkar.com
Mobile: +91 7276022505/7276023505 | Clinic: +9120-26121552 |
– Dr. Jayashree S Todkar is the 1st Indian recipient of multiple international awards from The American Society of Bariatric Surgery & International Federation of surgery for Obesity.
– Apart from high academic achievement she is also very active in extensive clinical research and has multiple publications in the International Index-Journal.
– Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar has received the Prestigious Vivian FOENCSA Award for innovation in the surgical treatment of Type II Diabetes from the American Diabetic Society in 2016.
– JT foundation has conducted more than 500 public health awareness programs and doctor’s education seminar through Maharashtra & India.
– Her video on Thoracoscopic Thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis has been accepted at SAGES Video Library at Florida, USA on as a new approach in April 2005: SAGES PEARLS.
– The first Indian to present a video on ‘Revision Bariatric Surgery’ at IFSO World Congress in 2006.
– MASCOT Trial- Dr. Jayashree did a trial as a principal investigator from India, “Cefoperazone / Sulbactam for Treatment of Intra – Abdominal Infections: results from a prospective, randomized, parallel group study in India.”
– Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar’s article got Published in Journal of SURGICAL INFECTIONS Organized Measuring 2008 – a unique conference held in Mumbai on ‘Surgical treatment of Diabetes Mellitus type II and Obesity’ which was attended by more than 300 delegates from Asia.
– She presented Indian data for metabolic surgery for type 2 diabetes for patients with low BMI IN the 1st world congress in New York on 15 – 16th Sept 2008.
– First banded sleeve gastrectomy using Mobi ring –was performed by Dr. Jayashree in presence of Dr. Mal Fobi April 2008.
– Dr. Jayashree has presented 5 research papers based on unit’s data in annual congress of American society of metabolic and bariatric surgery at 2009, from which 3 presented in the plenary session estimating expert faculty and was invited as system special across the globe at various international and national platforms. She also trained more than five thousand surgeons across the globe to perform live demo traction for advanced laparoscopic and obesity. These surgeries were performed on national and international platforms.
– Presented research papers during : ASMBS – 2010 – World Congress , IFSO – 2010 – World Congress.
– Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar was invited as a faculty member to deliver her experience in Bariatric Surgery during IASGO – 2010 World Congress to be held in Cairo, Egypt October – 2010.
– Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar is the 1st Indian to be awarded IFSO scholarship in the year 2011.
– Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar is the first Indian to receive Best Presentation Award at ASMBS 2012 in Annual world congress.
– Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar is the first Indian to be invited to perform a LIVE surgical demonstration in Bariatric Surgery on International Platform.
– Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar is the first Indian to be invited as a course director by ASMBS to conduct a course during Annual World Congress 2014.
Dr. Jayashree S. Todkar is the first Indian surgeon who received Vivan Fonseca Scholar Award from the American Diabetes Association. The award recognizes diabetes research focused on South Asian, American, Native Hawaiians and specific Islander population. The Award honors the contribution of Dr.Vivan Fonseca, past President of the American Diabetes Association. The award was presented for the study on Gastric Bypass Vs Medical lifestyle care for Type 2 DM in South Asians with a BMI 25 – 40 kg/m – THE COSMID randomized trial.
Some of her other key awards include:
– Yuva Bharati Award Winner – 2003
– Venutai Chavan Award Winner – 2003
– Mhaske award for social contribution in the medical field – 2006
– Veer Shaiva Bhushan Award – 2008
– IFSO SCHOLARSHIP FOR YOUNG SCIENTIST SURGEON 2011: for contribution to the field of metabolic and bariatric surgery.
– Felicitated with Women’s Foundation Award – 2015, for her great contribution in the field of Surgery.
– Received Anandibai Joshi award – 2016 for her dedicated contribution in the medical field.
– Inspiring Women award by Rotary club Pune, for her contribution in Medical field – 2017.
– Health Care Excellence award for Best Bariatric Surgeon by Navbharat times on 28th June 2017.
Till date, Dr. JT has treated more than 50,000 patients & while she continues her extensive research & treatment in advanced Laparoscopic surgeries, Bariatric surgeries, Trauma, Hernia surgeries & Metabolic surgery for T2DM. Dr. JT not only continually participates in various National & International conferences, live operation demonstrations & events on laparoscopic & Bariatric treatment, but she also very frequently, manages video & print publications on the status & advancement of her subject expertise.
With her extensive knowledge and expertise in suggesting appropriate dietary habits and nutrition balance, she has successfully transformed people to live a healthier life. Patients suffering from obesity, eating disorders, diabetes and a variety of other problems have experienced a stark difference in their health after consultation and treatment from Dr. JT.
Her success rates are a testament to her knowledge as she successfully cured hernia, liver infections, diabetes, breast cancer, and performed laparoscopic surgeries, breast implants, redefining her limits as a one-stop surgeon for all problems.
Dr. JT started a very important initiative ‘Fight Childhood Obesity’ along with many other such initiatives with the motive of spreading awareness and providing solutions to serious health issues. ‘Health is wealth’ is the motto she lives by, which is why she indulged herself into JT Wellness Clinic, as it ensures 360-degree care of your wellbeing. Her dream is to create a healthy world; free of Diabesity- the Largest killer disease of 21 st Century.
Dr. JT strives to question her limit as she adds another one to a zillion feathers in her cap since she ventured into the medical field.